I travelled up to Springwood by train with Valerie and Sue to look for fungi down Birdwood Gully. After a coffee stop, we headed down the track from Boland Avenue and were soon down in the rainforest. Would the fungi be as good as my last visit? We would see.
The fungi was probably not quite as abundant as my previous trip, but it was still very good. Here are some that we saw –
Hygrocybe sp.
Cuphophyllus aurantiopallens
Hygrocybe batesii
Porpolomopsis lewelliniae
Trichoglossum hirsutum
Hygrocybe batesii
Porpolomopsis lewelliniae
Hygrocybe batesii
Hygrocybe cantherellus
Cuphophyllus aurantiopallens
Ramariopsis kunzei
Hygrocybe aurantipes
Hygrocybe reesiae
Gliophorus viridis
Hygrocybe reesiae
Hygrocybe cantherellus
Clavulinopsis amoena
Gliophorus psittacinus group
Clavulina sp.
Hygrocybe batesii
Hygrocybe erythrocrenata
Clavulina sp.
Tylopilus aff. balloui
Perhaps Leratiomyces ceres
Hygrophorus involutus
Hygrocybe sp.
Gliophorus graminicolor
Hygrocybe anomala
Tremella fuciformis
Austropostia punctata
Hypholoma fasciculare
Clavulina sp.
Unknown –
We found this strange stuff spread over rocks and dirt. Neil (see comments below) suggested it may be a species of Chromelosporiopsis. So after looking at the photos and some references it may be Chromelosporiopsis carneum – which is the asexual stage of a Pezziza cup fungus.
Unknown –
Gliophorus graminicolor
Clavulinopsis amoena
Clavaria zollingeri
Gliophorus graminicolor
Ramaria sp.
Gliophorus graminicolor
We had a good day. Thanks to Valerie and Sue for helping with the spotting.
Great images as always. The “slime mould, fungal or something else” – perhaps a Chromelosporiopsis? It looks somewhat like this one – https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/187950568
Thanks – that is a very good suggestion. I looked at the original photos – zoomed right in, and it does seem to fit.