I had recently had two good visits to Birdwood Gully at Springwood to photograph the birds and the fungi, and I was keen for another visit. Sue was also keen to join me, so we travelled up to Springwood by train and were soon down the gully. A hot day was forecast, and this eventuated, but it was a lot cooler in the shade of the rainforest in the gully. But the fungi was poor and it was too hot the birds to be active.
This was about the only waxcap we found. Hygrocybe sp. –
Here is a Polypore with lots of small Springtails and a gnat –
We found a small cluster of the pink coral fungus out. Probably Ramaria sp. –
Clavulinopsis sulcata
Cantherellus concinnus
Wasp Orchid – Chiloglottis seminuda
Here is a Lewin’s Honeyeater hiding in the scrub –
Brown Gerygone
Red-browed Finch with breeding material –
Grey Fantail
We were not keen to climb out in the full heat of the afternoon, so we climbed out in the early afternoon and retreated to the Royal Hotel for refreshments before catching the train back to Sydney.