Fungi at Wolli Creek – 18 March 2023

I joined the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc and also members of the Wolli Creek Preservation Society and visitors to survey the fungi in Wolli Creek Regional Park. The group met in the morning at Girrahween Park at Earlwood, and then started looking for fungi.

We moved downstream towards the Flying Fox camp, and then made our way back to Girrahween Park where we had lunch, and after some discussion, we finished off.

We found reasonable amount of fungi, but not as much as we were hoping for I think. A lot of what we did see was looking a bit dried out.

Here is selection of what we found –

Leucocoprinus fragilissimus

Perhaps Postia sp. 

Two more Polypores

Inocybe sp.

Hygrocybe austropratensis

Inocybe sp.

Cyptotrama asprata

Old Ramaria sp. Infected with a mould.

Ink CapCoprinus sp.

Russula sp.

Polypore – growing at the base of an Angophora costata. Perhaps Inonotus albertinii or Pseudoinonotus dryadeus or similar.

And another Polypore.

Russula sp.

Conocybe apala

Scleroderma cepa

Russula rosea

Inocybe sp.

Jelly FungusTremella mesenterica


Lactarius eucalypti

Thanks to everyone who took part in the survey. And particular thanks to NPWS Ranger Sam Woodrow for granting permission for the survey to be undertaken in the Regional Park. And also to Deb Little from the Wolli Creek Preservation Society for organising their members to participate.

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