After the Greenway Bird Survey, I was going to visit Valerie, and was accompanied by Simin. After a cuppa, Valerie joined me for a stroll down the Cooks River to Gough Whitlam Park. We were on the lookout for Kingfishers, but had no luck. At Gough Whitlam Park, I continued on by myself to Barton Park and spent a few hours there.
Here are some of the birds we saw along the Cooks River and some I saw at Barton Park.
Cooks River
Little Pied Cormorant
Australasian Darter
Little Black Cormorants
Little Pied Cormorant
Striated Heron
Barton Park
Most of the photos were taken at Landing Lights wetland.
Great Egret
Pied Stilt
Chestnut Teal
Welcome Swallow – about to grab an insect
Little Egret
White-faced Heron
Royal Spoonbill
Red Wattlebird
Little Egret
New Holland Honeyeater
Superb Fairy-wren
Welcome Swallow – about to grab an insect
Pied Stilt
The male here seems to be a hybrid Chestnut/Grey Teal
Grey Teal
Brown Goshawk
A Brown Goshawk passed over quickly – a fair way off.
Red-browed Finch
Australian Spotted Crake
The Crake was foraging outside of the reeds for about 5 minutes.
Masked Lapwings
Pied Stilt
Red-browed Finch
I was good to see some nice birds.