I joined a group down to Bola Creek in Royal National Park surveying the fungi. The event was an activity of the Sydney Fungal Studies Group Inc. Despite somewhat dry conditions, we found a good abundance of interesting fungi in the area.
Here is some of what we observed. Note that the dry conditions meant that some of the fungi was a bit dried out which makes identification more difficult.
Clavulinopsis sulcata
We also saw lots of orchids. Here are some Toothed Helmet Orchids – Corybas pruinosus
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
Clavulinopsis amoena
Hygrocybe aurantipes
Ramariopsis kunzei
Lycoperdon subincarnatum
Hygrocybe aurantipes
Perhaps Ramariopsis sp.
Entoloma sp.
Hygrocybe sp.
Clavaria fragilis
Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus
Clavaria zollingeri
Drechmeria gunnii
Perhaps Clavaria pusio
Perhaps Hygrocybe rodwayi
Hygrophorus involutus
Spurred Helmet Orchid – Corybas aconitiflorus
Hygrocybe leucogloea
Humidicutis mavis
Hygrocybe astatogala
Crust fungus
Mycena sp.
Cuphophyllus austropratensis
Hygrocybe anomala var. anomala
Trichoglossum hirsutum
Clavulinopsis fusiformis
Stereum ostrea
Hygrocybe aurantiopallens
Trichoglossum hirsutum
Ramaria filicicola
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrocybe aurantipes
Hygrocybe helicoides
Hygrocybe sp.
Porpolomopsis lewelliniae
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrocybe aurantiopallens
Ramaria lorithamnus
Craterellus cornucopioides
Phaeoclavulina zippelii
Hypholoma sp.
Clavulinopsis fusiformis
Perhaps Hygrocybe sp.
Gliophorus sp.
Craterellus cornucopioides
Hygrocybe anomala var. anomala
Hygrocybe helicoides
Hygrocybe anomala var. anomala
Hygrocybe sp.
Camarophyllopsis sp.
Mycena sp.
Ramaria sp.
Lactifluus flocktoniae
Perhaps Humidicutis sp.
Aleuria aurantia
Hygrophorus involutus
Hygrocybe astatogala
Perhaps Ramariopsis sp.
Hygrocybe anomala var. anomala
Hygrocybe anomala var. ianthinomarginata
Gliophorus viridis
Hygrocybe anomala var. anomala
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrocybe anomala var. anomala
Clavulinopsis fusiformis
Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus
Hygrocybe aurantipes
Hygrocybe sp.
Ganoderma australe
Postia pelliculosa
Many thanks to all those who came along and joined in on the day. This included a group from the Friends of Royal National Park. Also thanks to NPWS Ranger Patsy Nagle for granting permission for the survey to go ahead, and to Ray and Elma Kearney for assisting with organising this. Also thanks to Trevor and Kerry Millichamp for lift down and back.