After seeing all the orchids at Royal National Park, I thought it worth visiting Wolli Ck Regional Park, which is a lot closer to where I live, and see if any orchids were out. I found two species in flower.
I only did a short walk – from Girrahween Park to the old swimming pool before the Flying Fox Camp and then returned the same way. As well as orchids, I was on the lookout for other wild flowers and birds.
Hibbertia sp.
Pimela sp.
Grey Fantail
After hearing some alarm call from the nearby birds, I looked out and spotted a Brown Goshawk –
Then I noticed two circling together. Perhaps a breeding pair?
Then I spotted a nice cluster of orchids. These are Greenhood Orchids – Pterostylis pedunculata –
And at the climbing area, I spotted a nice cluster of fresh, but very tiny Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus –
And walking back spotted a lot of a second species of Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis nutans –