I joined the Greenway Bird Group, early in the morning, to survey the birds in the loop from Waratah Mills Light Rail Station.
Here are some of the birds we saw –
New Holland Honeyeater
Red Wattlebird
Australasian Figbird
Spotted Pardalote
New Holland Honeyeaters
Superb Fairy-wren
Little Corellas
New Holland Honeyeater
Laughing Kookaburra
And I could not help photographing this nice Sydney Rock Orchid – Dendrobium speciosum, flowering in the front garden of a house we walked past.
As usual, the group finished off with morning tea and a chat at a local cafe. And at the morning tea, Simin and Lennis invite me to join them on a trip to Rookwood Necropolis to look for Scarlet Honeyeaters and other birds. See the next post.