It had been a while since I had last visited Long Reef, so I headed up on the bus to Dee Why and walked out onto the headland. The weather was very hot and sunny – and I found conditions very trying. There was at times a cool sea breeze which helped. The hot conditions meant a lot of heat haze – which did not help with telephoto photography, and the very harsh lighting was also not helpful.
When I arrived, walking up to the lookout, I spotted an Osprey. But it was leaving.
I then descended to the rock platform. The tide was high, and would peak while I was there, so I was not able to venture out and look for migratory birds.
Nearer were some Crested Terns hunting for fish.
And some Welcome Swallows were hunting for insects above the beach on the north side.
Two Oystercatchers then arrived. One was a Sooty Oystercatcher and the second was a Pied Oystercatcher.
Back to the Crested Terns –
I then spotted a Nankeen Kestrel hunting near the lookout.
By the time I had climbed up, it had gone. But while I was having lunch an Osprey appeared.
It was looking down for fish.
But the Osprey did not stay for long.
Then the Nankeen Kestrel re-appeared.
It was doing well catching grasshoppers and crickets.
I lasted till about 3pm, when it got too hot.