Sue joined me a for a nice day spent in Sassafras Gully at Springwood. The weather was warm, and we walked in about out via the track from Sassafras Gully Road.
The fungi was not super abundant, but with careful looking we did find some interesting species.
I think this polypore is Inonotus albertinii –
Greenhood Orchid
Austroboletus niveus
Cantherellus concinnus
Clavaria sp.
Amanita section Roanokenses –
Hygrocybe sp.
Tylopilus aff. balloui
Hygrocybe sp.
I am not sure what these are –
Austroboletus lacunosis
Entoloma sp.
Coprinellus disseminatus
Jelly Fungus – Probably Dacrymyces sp.
Ramariopsis kunzei
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta
Microglossum viride
Slime Mould
Clavulinopsis sulcata
I am not sure what these are –
Clavaria zollingeri
Hygrocybe sp.
Entoloma aff. virescens
Orchid – Bulbophyllum exiguum
Tylopilus aff. balloui
Hygrocybe sp.
Slime Mould ?
Entoloma aff. virescens
During our visit, we enjoyed a swim at the Lagoon – the big pool where Sassafras Gully joins Glenbrook Creek. The water temperature was perfect. The leaches that we encountered during our visit were not so welcome.
Many thanks to Sue for great company and helping to spot some nice fungi.