In the North West of Tasmania, Philosophers Falls near Waratah has been my favourite location for photographing fungi. So it was great to be able to visit this location again with my sister.
Here are some of the fungi we found –
Clavaria zollingeri
Leotica lubrica
Hygrocybe sp.
Humidicutis mavis
Unknown –
Mycena sp.
Clavulinopsis sulcata
Pholiota malicola
Psathyrella echinata
Mycena interrupta
Russula sp.
Clavulina tasmanica
Mycena interrupta
Unknown –
Pholiota malicola
Unknown –
Pholiota malicola
Clavulinopsis amoena
Leotica lubrica
Ascocoryne sarcoides
Mycena austrororida
Unknown –
Mycena interrupta
Clavulinopsis fusiformis
Pholiota malicola
Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus
Calocera sinensis
Flammula velutipes
Leotica lubrica
Hygrocybe sp.
Clavaria zollingeri
Some comments – there was a lot less waxcaps than I have seen here previously. Probably due to the local drought, although on our visit it was raining lightly on and off, and had been for a few days previously. Many thanks to my sister for driving out and for helping with the spotting.