Back home from Tasmania, I was keen to head outdoors and look for fungi. There had been a fair bit of rain in the greater Sydney region lately. But the rain was still around, and I had to make the most of short spells between showers. I decided to do a short afternoon trip to Wolli Creek Regional Park, and see if any fungi was out.
I was pleased to find a lot of fungi out, especially in Girrahween Park. Here is some that I spotted –
There were a number of these quite large Boletes.
Ramaria sp.
Unknown species
Phlebopus marginatus
Amanita sp.
Clavulina sp.
Lactarius eucalypti
Russula sp.
I found one waxcap, a bit waterlogged – Hygrocybe taekeri –
Unknown species
Jelly Fungus
Amanita farinacea
Amanita xanthocephala
Amanita sp.
Parasola plicatilis
Coprinellus sp.
Scleroderma cepa
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta
Hypholoma fasciculare
Descolea recedens
Amanita sp.
Cantherellus concinnus
Collybia sp.
Macrolepiota sp.
Collybia sp.
Tremella sp.
This was growing on a log. Perhaps Imperfect fungi?