Another short trip, to look for fungi between squalls of rain. I was keen to head back up to Ferndale Park at Chatswood to look for fungi, but it was a bit difficult getting up there. There was a lot of trackwork on the railways which made things difficult. But I worked out a solution – bus to Sydenham, train to Town Hall, then a bus to Chatswood from outside the QVB. This worked out OK, except the bus was quite slow. All the way up, I watched the rain radar, and when I arrived it looked like I would have a reasonable amount of time before the next rain came.
The fungi turned out to be quite good, and there was plenty to photograph. But the rain did come back a bit too early, and I had to curtail my activities before I wanted to stop. But it was still worth all the effort to get there.
Here is some that I found –
Calocera sp.
Russula sp.
Clavulinopsis sp.
Cortinarius sp.
Russula sp.
Humidicutis sp.
Cortinarius austrovenetus
Clavaria zollingeri
Microglossum viride
Rickenella fibula
Cortinarius sp.
Clavulinopsis sp.
Rimbachia cf. bryophila
Russlula sp.
Calocera sp.
Clavulinopsis sp.
Humidicutis sp.
Clavulinopsis sp.
Perhaps old Chrysomphalina aurantiaca –
Omphalotus nidiformis
Cortinarius sp.
Tiny cups/discs growing on the ground –
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta
Unknown species –
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum