I made visit to Sydney Park to look for fungi. There was a lot out – but I was too late for the best of it. In one section, where some new garden beds and been mulched with wood chips, there were hundreds of stinkhorns – but most of them were a bit old and falling to bits. When fresh they would have been an impressive spectacle.
Here are some of the fungi I found –
Chlorophyllum molybdites
This is a very common fungus after rain – along footpaths and in parks.
Now for some stinkhorns –
Lysurus mokusin
Pseudocolus fusiformis
Lysurus mokusin
Pseudocolus fusiformis
Coprinellus disseminatus
Leratiomyces ceres
Myriostoma australianum
Phallus rubicundus
Coprinus comatus
And I think these are Chlorophyllum nothorachodes –