Heathcote National Park Walk – 5 September 2024

This was another great walk led by Brian Everingham for the National Parks Association of NSW. Of particular note was the number of orchids we observed.

In  the party was Brian, Valerie, Ian, Elaine and myself. The route we walked was along the Mirang Road Fire Trail, near Heathcote, to the Pipeline Trail, then south along it to Heathcote Creek – at The Batteries. Then back north along the Pipeline to the Friendly Track. which we followed to the Scout Camp and Heathcote shops.

Once we started off on the Mirang Road Trail, we were on the lookout for orchids and other wildflowers.

Grevillea buxifolia

And then we started finding orchids!

Caladenia catenata

Caladenia carnea

Angophora hispida

Persoonia pinifolia

Pultenaea tuberculata

Grevillea sp.

Prasophyllum elatum – Tall Leek Orchid

This is probably a Legless Lizard

Philotheca sp.

Boronia serrulata

Gymea Lily

Thelymitra ixioides – Spotted Sun Orchid

Thelymitra ixioides – Spotted Sun Orchid

The Miring Road Fire Trail would have been constructed to allow access when the pipeline from Woronora Dam was being laid.

Thelymitra carnea – Pink Sun Orchid

I think this is the first Pink Sun Orchid I have seen.

Caladenia fuscata

We then arrived at The Batteries and Gunners Pool, where the fire trail crosses Heathcote Creek. It was a good place to stop for lunch.

Grevillea longifolia

Gymea Lily

Variegated Fairy-wrens

Then Brian pointed out a Grevillea sp. with green flowers –

We then left the Pipeline Trail and climbed up onto the Friendly Track.

Grey Butcherbird

Glossodia minor – Small Wax-lip Orchid

Boronia sp.

Hybanthus monopetalus

Caladenia catenata

Acianthus caudatus – Mayfly Orchid

Caladenia catenata

Once again – thanks to Brian for leading the walk, and also for some of the i.d’s and also to Roger for some of the i.d’s.

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