I made an another morning trip to Rookwood Necropolis. My main aim was to photograph the Brown Goshawk that I had seen on my previous list, and I had hoped it was one of a nesting pair that I had been fortunate to observe last season. But I failed to spot the Brown Goshawk this visit – despite hearing it calling many times.
Here are some of the birds I saw –
Laughing Kookaburra
I was looking for a possible Goshawk nest. This one looks too small –
And another nest, perhaps only partly completed? –
On my previous visit – I had spotted a Black-shouldered Kite. And it turned up this visit – and it demonstrated the same behaviour. I saw it perched high on a tree –
And then it took off, and flew to another tree –
It seemed to be checking its territory.
And then it flew off to another part of the Necropolis.
Australasian Raven on nest –
Superb Fairy-wren
Laughing Kookaburra