With the recent unending spell of hot weather, it has been hard to be motivated for energetic activities. So it was easy to decide on another visit to the zoo.
I wanted to try and get some photos of animals that I and missed out on last visit – such as the fishing cat. On this visit, I did manage to get some photos of it, but nothing too special. I think you need to be lucky to see the cat actually in the water and fishing.
I wanted to get more photos of the platypus in the Blue Mountains Bushwalk section. I visit the section at least four times without any luck. No sign of the platypus. But the rock wallabies were active early on and so was a lyrebird.
I went to the seal show and bird show again this visit. And the 3:30 pm koala keepers talk is the best time to see active koalas.
I did manage to get some photos of the platypus in the platypus house. This is a very dark location and I had to use a very high ISO.
More photos are online on my website here.