Visit to Nurragingy Reserve – 11 October 2024

Nurragingy Reserve at Doonside is one of the places I like to visit regularly, but it had been a while since my last visit. So I thought it about time to see what was there.

I had a very good visit. The highlight was probably some noisy Sacred Kingfishers. Here are some of the birds I photographed –

Dusky Moorhen with chicks


Sacred Kingfisher

Sacred Kingfisher and Magpie Lark

Olive-backed Oriole

Grey Butcherbird

Long-billed Corellas

Australian Wood Duck family

Satin Bowerbird

Brown Goshawk

Olive-backed Oriole on nest

Eastern Spinebill

Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Eastern Yellow Robin

Rufous Whistler

Eastern Rosella

Magpie Lark on nest

Sacred Kingfisher

Here are two Sacred Kingfishers. There were at least three in the area.

Water Dragon

Olive-backed Oriole

The Australian Wood Duck family run the gauntlet past a Water Dragon –



Eastern Spinebill

Eastern Yellow Robin

Another Olive-backed Oriole on a nest –

Superb Fairy-wren

Sacred Kingfishers

A pair of Australasian Grebes were nesting –

Sacred Kingfisher

White-winged Chough 


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