The local bird group – The Tempe Birdos has recently added a 100th bird to their bird list for birds seen at the Tempe Wetlands and Tempe Reserve. This is a fantastic achievement from a dedicated group of citizen scientists.
I went and joined the group for their usual second Saturday of the month observation morning at Tempe Wetlands.
After walking around the wetlands (and another group went around the Reserve) – looking for birds, watching what they were doing, and then a record was made, we had a morning tea break. This is how the morning usually ends – but this time it was more of a celebration. Local MHR and former mayor of Marrickville, Jo Haylen was there to join to celebration and to present some awards.
We were also able to look at some old photographs showing the history of the Wetlands. It seems that the area was once a tip. For it now to be a beautiful wetland where 100 birds have been observed in the middle of a huge city is great change.
After this, I headed back along the Cooks River to the Boat Harbour to photograph some more birds before heading home.