I spent another day out on Malabar Headland. On this visit there were whales – but they were a long way out and cruising past rather than breeching or tail slapping. Also – The Peregrine Falcons were not that active.
As I walked out, I could hear quite a few birds in the heath – but they tended to stay in the heath. Perhaps because it was a warm day? I did manage to photograph a Golden-headed Cisticola –
At Magic Point – there was a distant whale –
At the spot where I had seen the Peregrine Falcons on previous visits, I spotted one. It was sitting on a distant ledge – and hard to photograph. It also seemed to be very settled.
I didn’t feel inclined to wait for it to take off, so I moved on to Boora Point. There I could see a pod of whales.
And a sea bird flew past. Perhaps a Caspian Tern.
I had not seen the second adult Peregrine Falcon, nor their fledgling. I visited the old bunker they had been perched on on my previous trip – but they were not there.
Nearby I did spot a Nankeen Kestrel. But it flew off and was soon too far away to photograph.
I did see a few Superb Fairy-wrens and a small flock of Yellow-faced Honeyeaters.
I went back to where I had seen the Peregrine Falcon earlier. It was now gone. I chose a shady place and settled down to have some lunch. This was a good place to wait and see if the falcon returned or I could view any whales swimming past. Now I was lucky. The Peregrine falcon did return. It flew past my lunch spot – with some food (part of a bird?) and was calling out to its mate and chick. It settled on a ledge and kept calling, but the other Peregrines were away still. I had my camera ready – hoping it would take off. The bird was perched not n one of its usual spots, so Thought there wa a good chance it would soon move. It did. I got a nice sequence of it taking off then flying past.
But that was the last I saw of it.I did some more whales –
And some lizards –
It was quite hot, and even though it was only early in the afternoon, I decided to head back for home.