I was keen to escape from the heat, so thought a short walk down to the great swimming hole that I had been to last week may be nice. The pool proved to be a great refuge.
On the way down, I was on the lookout for birds and orchids. This time I spotted a nice Bearded Orchid. There were also the usual Hyacinth Orchids.
At the pool, I took turns at swimming and then sitting on the rock shelf in the shade, mainly reading. For my visit, I had to huge pool to myself.
Then later in the afternoon, I walked out back to Heathcote Station. I saw a Kingfisher, but was unable to get any good photos of it. Here is a Eastern yellow Robin that I saw in the Bottle Forest.
And a few more photos –
Olympic pool is at her absolute best now, with high flow, extremely clear water, and no turbulence or forceful current (despite the still strong inflow). Cataracts all the way along Kangaroo Ck. The creekside track is still easy to find and navigate, even where there is debris or the odd fallen tree. The water must be 3+ metres deep in the pool, and it’s truly olympic-sized now.