I spent couple of hours at Tempe Wetlands and the nearby Tempe Reserve wandering around with my camera. It was hot, and not many birds were active.
At Tempe Reserve, I heard a few birds flying overhead, and though there may be a raptor about, being harassed by other birds. That was what it sounded like. I did see a larger birds being encouraged to leave the area, but it was not a raptor, but rather a Channel-billed Cuckoo. It was the first one I have seen in the area.
At the Wetlands, I wanted to see how the nesting Grebes were going. I could see their island nest, but could not see either of the parents sitting on eggs. Had they abandoned the nest? Had the eggs been eaten by predators? I did see both parents nearby in the pool however.
I later went back and looked at the nest again. And this time I could see a few eggs. What i conclude from this is that the rotting vegetation of their island nest must produce heat that helps with the incubation. The eggs must have been covered by vegetation earlier, and then later one of the parents may have removed some of the covering vegetation as perhaps the eggs were getting too hot?