After taking part in the bird survey with the Mudlarks along the Cooks River, I walked to Hurlstone Park Station and travelled by train and bus to Maroubra Beach. I then went out into Malabar Headland National Park.
Its a pleasant place to spend some time. I was entered to see if any whales were around, and also to see if I could spot the Peregrine Falcons and see if they were breeding again. I didn’t see any whales or falcons, but it was still a pleasant day. Here are some of the birds I did see –
New Holland Honeyeaters
Australasian Gannets
Superb Fairy-wrens
The first one has caught a grub. It first makes sure the grub is dead by twirling it around and bashing it on the rock.
After eating the grub, it then cleans its beak.
Crested Terns
And a Silvereye –
And lastly some fresh jelly fungus –