Rails at Sydney Park – 1 September 2020

I had seen reports online of Lewin’s Rails been seen at Sydney Park. Three had been seen in the late afternoon – early evening. So I thought I would make a late afternoon visit and see if I could spot any.

I walked into the park at St Peters and walked down to the Island Lake. Two Lewin’s Rails had been seen near the bridge between that lake and the large lower pond. The other had been seen on the north side of the Island Lake. When I arrived there were two other bird watchers there on the bridge. We all started watching.

At one point, I decided to walk to the north end of the pond to see if I could spot a Rail there. I did – but it was a single Buff-banded Rail. I was able to get some photos –

I did hear at Lewin’s Rail – but it was in the middle of a thicket, so I headed back to the bridge. It was fortunate that I did. The other two there, had spotted a Lewin’s Rail. It was still out and foraging in the reeds. I was able to get some photos, although by this time (5:30 pm) the light was very poor.

Not great photos, but I was pleased to get some photos of this illusive bird. I had photographed a Lewin’s Rail before – in Royal National Park.

And a few more photos, of an Australasian Grebe, that I had shot earlier.

Also – thanks to Lorne, a local birdwatcher, who reported the Rails online.

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