It was a good day for some canyoning, and I had suggested to Bob that a trip to Twister and Rocky Creek Canyons could be nice. We both knew Rocky Creek Canyon very well – we were on the trip back in 1976 when the canyon we found the canyon. But Bob had never been to Twister Canyon.
We set off from the carpark at Galah Mountain and soon found ourselves in Twister Canyon. We moved through fairy quick – climbing down all the drops. I didn’t bother taking any photos – preferring to spend more time in Rocky Creek Canyon.
We soon finished Twister Canyon and made our way to Rocky Creek Canyon. It was great as usual. Here are some photos taken as we made our way down, and then back up the canyon.
How heading back upstream.
On the way, we encountered a Lace Monitor in the canyon. Unfortunately it will probably not survive in this cold environment.
On the way back to the carpark, it was nice to find some fungi –
And, the ground on the ridge ws covered with Daisies –
When, we got to the carpark, it was still early, so we drove to the start of Fire Road Number 4, where we stopped for lunch. Then we walked down to the nearby lookout. On the way, we encountered some more pink Flannel Flowers.
And then the great views looking down the gorge of Carne Creek –
This magnificent and spectacular area has been proposed as an addition to Gardens of Stone National Park.
And some Pagoda Daisies –
Then back to the pink Flannel Flowers on the walk out.
It had been a great trip.
is climbing the only way to access the canyons. I don’t know how to climb.
No proper climbing required for these canyons – only “scrambling” which is climbing, but is usually easy and does not involve rope work. Many canyons however do require abseiling (descending on ropes).