New Book on The Grand Canyon, Blackheath

Erik Halbert and Ross Ellis have written and produced a new book on The Grand Canyon at Blackheath. It is called “Doing the Grand Canyon Blackheath” and is published by The Sydney Speleological Society.


The authors are cavers, and the book is partly written from a caver’s perspective – talking about the various interesting caves found adjacent to the Grand Canyon Walking Track.

Another focus is the history of the canyon and its walking track. They have included reproductions of many old postcards showing parts of the canyon and identified where they were taken from. It is interesting to see a 100 year old postcard and then next to it a modern version of the same scene.

Canyoners will be interested in the old walking track that goes up the lower part of the canyon and ends at the Cathedral Cave – where the long swim is.

This small book, has been printed as a very limited edition and is available from the authors, the Sydney Speleological Society and from these selected Blue Mountains Bookshops – Lamdha Books in Wentworth Falls, Megalong Books in Leura and Gleebooks in Blackheath (and The NPWS Office in Blackheath from early July). If you are interested in this canyon – then this book is recommended. Click on the link below to see a pdf with more information about how to order it.

Doing the Grand Canyon Blackheath

You may also be interested in a much more detailed book on the canyon called – “The Grand Canyon Blackheath: The Complete Story” which the authors are currently preparing.

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3 Responses to New Book on The Grand Canyon, Blackheath

  1. Hello David…
    Do you remember?
    I Joan from Barcelona, litle canyoneer men, i’m two questions…
    1. This new book, it’s a canyonnering book or only by caves.
    2. In Tasmània, they have a canyons?

    Best regards my friend,

    • Dave Noble says:

      This book is not a guide to the canyon. It is more on the caves that occur in the canyon and its history.

      Tasmania – there is a little bit of commercial canyoning near Cradle Mountain.

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