Birds at Sydney Park – 7 October 2021

Day 103 of Lockdown. I decide to make another visit to Sydney Park. One reason was to see if I could spot the Buff-banded Rails.

It turned out to be a relatively quiet day, but its nice place to wander around and spend some time observing Nature. I think I spotted one Rail – a chick, but it ran very fast and that was all I saw of it.

One of the Black Swan cygnets, the one that was being attacked by its father, has now moved to the large pond. Hopefully a safe refuge. It is not yet a good flyer.

Some young Welcome Swallows were also practising their flying.

Here is some of the Dusky Moorhen family –

And one of the eels –

Here is an Australasian Grebe

A juvenile Grey Butcherbird was calling loudly –

It looks like the Magpie Lark nest on the island has been reoccupied.

And the Ibis’s were showing their love –

But no love from the Black Swan father. he was now attacking a second cygnet. The father wants the cygnets away so he can nest again.

Now the Ibis’s were working on their nests.

And here is the Eurasian Coot family –

And the Tawny Frogmouths were fine –

These Noisy Miners were having a dirt bath. They do this to help get rid of parasites.

And a last photo, the three Cygnets in the island pond cruise past a Little Pied Cormorant.

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