I thought it was time to head up to Wyong and visit the Central Coast Wetlands again. I arrived there about 9:15 am and then started looking for birds. The weather on the day was mixed – sunny at times, but there was also some showers.
Here are some of the birds I saw early on –
Red-rumped Parrot
Cattle Egrets
Intermediate Egret
Swamp Harrier
Australasian Darter
Australasian Figbird
Brown Gerygone
Fairy Martins
Little Pied Cormorant
White-faced Heron
Willie Wagtail
Pied Butcherbird
Later in the day, another bird photographer arrived, his name was David, and he showed me another part of the wetlands that I had not visited – a trail behind the toilets. Along the way we saw some different birds –
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike (juvenile)
Lewin’s Honeyeater
Tawny Grassbird
Golden-headed Cisticola
Eastern Rosellas
After a short storm, we headed back to the main wetland area.
Pacific Black Ducks
Australian Reed Warbler
White-bellied Sea Eagle
I then decided to do another loop of the Pioneer Creek Walk.
Australian Swamphen
I didn’t see any interesting birds, so I decided to head to the station. On the walk out, I flushed out a pair of Latham’s Snipes. Here is one –
Then a little further along, another pair flew out from close to the fence.
Then some more.
I probably saw about ten in total. I ws lucky to see them – and I only did because I was on foot.
One last bird – a White-breasted Woodswallow –