I was on a field activity of The Sydney Fungal Studies Group at Bola Creek in Royal National Park. The weather in the run-up had been very wet and there was some discussion about whether we wold be able to go ahead. Already it had been postponed from the previous Saturday. We did decide to go ahead, and it was very worthwhile.
The ground was very sodden from the rain, and Bola Creek was very high – making a crossing on the Wollumurra Track impossible. But there was still plenty of ground to explore for fungi. A lot of what we found was under logs or close to the base of trees – more protected area that were not waterlogged.
Here is some of the fungi that we found –
Lactarius eucalypti
Clitocybe semiocculta
Perhaps Resupinatus sp.
Clavaria fragilis
Hericium novaezealandiae
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
Clavulinopsis amoena
Spider infected with a Cordyceps like fungus
Clavulinopsis sulcata
Trichoglossum hirsutum
Ramariopsis simplex
Perhaps Ramaria filicicola
Mycena austrororida
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta
Clavulinopsis amoena
Clavaria zollingeri
Clavulinopsis amoena
Earth Star – Geastrum triplex –
This one is a mystery. It was growing on small stick.
Perhaps Lactarius wirrabara
Clavulinopsis fusiformis
Hygrocybe sp.
Porpolomopsis lewelliniae
Ramaria sp.
Geoglossum sp.
Stereum versicolor
Russula sp.
Spider infected with a Cordyceps like fungus. Perhaps Cordyceps fumosorosea.
Slime Mould – Stemonitis sp.
And here is Bola Creek –
And a Dung Beetle –
Thanks to Trevor and Kerry Millichamp for a lift down and back, and to Petra Gloyn, Emma V, Eamonn Culhane, Ray and Elma Kearney and others for help with the id’s.