This was another field activity of The Sydney Fungal Studies Group. We met at the Waterfall Reserve at Mt Wilson and then walked slowly around the loop track looking for any fungi that was out.
Conditions were quite good. Rain had earlier been forecasted, but we had a rain free day on our walk. The bush was moist but not sodden from earlier rain.
Here is some of the fungi we saw. I will start with the Coral Fungi.
Clavulinopsis amoena
Ramariopsis ramarioides
I think the coral fungi in the next two photos is Ramaria sp.
Clavaria fragilis
Clavaria zollingeri
Clavulinopsis sulcata
Phaeoclavulina ochracea
And we also saw a good range of Waxcaps. Here are some –
Gliophorus graminicolor
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrocybe astatogala
Hygrocybe sp.
I think this is likely to be Hygrocybe cerasinomutata.
Hygrophorus mavis
Hygrocybe reesiae
Hygrocybe batesii
Hygrocybe sp.
Porpolomopsis lewelliniae
Hygrocybe sp.
Cuphophyllus virgineus
And some of the other fungi –
I am not sure what this one is.
Leratiomyces ceres
Hypholoma sp.
Psilocybe sp.
Hericium novaezealandiae
Mutinus boninensis
Russula sp.
There were a few of these large fungi around. I am not sure what they are –
And this was on the end of a sawn log –
Perhaps Hebeloma sp. ?
Stereopsis hiscens
Perhaps Cystolepiota sp.
And some of the Ascomycetes –
Bactridium flavum
Peziza vesiculosa
Cordyceps cranstounii
Ophiocordyceps robertsii
Jafnea pallida
Chlorociboria aeruginascens
Xylaria sp.
Plectania campylospora
Slime Moulds
Trichia sp.
Physarum sp.
The two waterfalls were quite impressive after recent rain.
Lower Falls
Upper Falls
Many thanks to Trevor and Kerry Millichamp for organising the field activity and giving me a lift up and back. Also to Terese Van Der Heul, and Jeremy Hegge for id suggestions.