Greenway Bird Survey – 10 August 2022

This was a busy day. I started off with the local bird survey along The Greenway. The group met at 7:30 am at Taverner’s Hill Light Rail Station and then from there continued along the Greenway to Hawthorne Light Rail Station.

At Taverner’s Hill, Spotted Pardalote were seen, but I was not able to get any good photos this time. Down along the path, we spotted a Grey Fantail – 

And a Pied Currawong that was collecting nesting material –

Further along, we saw a White-browed Scubwren

And here is one of a number of Superb Fairy-wrens

In a nearby tree were a number of Australasian Figbirds

And near Hawthorne, we spotted the Brown Goshawk perched in its usual tree.

Here it is ducking to avoid a harassing Magpie.

And it decided to leave.

A White-faced Heron was perched on a lamp –

A Pelican was swimming in the Hawthorne Canal

And a distant flock of Little Corellas flew past –

Later in the day, I ddi some more bird photography at Barton Park.

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