I was keen to visit Malabar Headland again to photograph the young Peregrine Falcons in flight. This time I was joined by Valerie, Sue and Brian.
The weather was fine most of the day (we did have a short shower later). We met at Maroubra Beach and then walked into the National Park.
Water Skink
Perhaps Banksia aemula –
Microtis sp. Orchid –
Copper Skink
We saw a number of old aircraft flying past. Perhaps something to do with a Remembrance Day airshow? This one has People’s Republic of China roundels –
And the first one here is a 1942 Wirraway –
We spotted the two juvenile Peregrine Falcons asleep on a ledge near Boora Point.
And nearby was their mother on guard duty.
We spent a fair bit of time watching them and waiting for some flying.
Things changed when the father arrived with some food.
The adult male landed on a ledge and then prepared the food.
He then took off with it.
One of the juveniles flew up for a mid air food exchange.
The juvenile did not have enough airspeed and didn’t quite reach its father.
But the father was ready for another go –
This time the juvenile had flown too fast and overshot!
Third time lucky?
A perfect mid-air food exchange. The Juvenile is happy. Ands were we. It was amazing to witness this very fast flying display.
Now it was the mother’s turn for some flying.
The father had a rest –
Then an amazing thing happened. The father was taking off when it was hit by a diving juvenile.
I don’t know whether this was deliberate or an accident.
The chick flew around a bit more.
Then Alana arrived, and we had a nice chat.
Here is a Starling with a spider –
We then went for a walk visiting the World War II munitions railway and the emplacements for the Malabar Battery. On the way we commented on this graffiti (on a Sydney Water building) –
We then farewelled Brian and Alana as they walked towards Maroubra. Next we headed back to Boora Point. The adult female was sitting on the clifftop. This was about 1:30 pm.
Then there was a long lull. About 3 pm the action started. We were near the nesting area, and the two juveniles appeared and started their play.
Later, we moved closer towards Dead Mans Gulch. And we had a brief shower of rain.
We last saw the juveniles flying over the rifle range.
It was now after 4:30, so we decide to head home. Here is one of two Navy Landing Craft that came past as we walked back.
Many thanks to Valerie, Sue and Brian for company on the day, and also to Valerie for a lift there and back.
I can see all your photos now – wasn’t able to see them for about a week, no idea why.
Thanks for sharing your spectacular photos!
I am not sure what the problem was, and if it incompletely fixed. I changed a few settings, and the problem seemed fixed – then I found I could not log in – to add new posts etc. I have spent a frantic few hours trying to get things fixed. Hopefully all OK now.