After the Mudlarks Bird Survey, I joined Valerie and she drove to Memorial Park at Meadowbank, where we met a lot of other bushwalkers, that regularly join walks on the National Parks Association of NSW program.
We had a pleasant lunch at the park, then set off along the riverside path towards Rydalmere. Brian Everingham was leading this walk. Other NPA leaders had organised other walks in the area.
Here are some photos from the walk –
Grey Butcherbird
Here we are setting off from Memorial Park –
And here is the War Memorial –
Along the path/cycleway, in places, we had good views of Parramatta River.
Other parts were lined by mangroves.
Welcome Swallow
There was one short section of road (footpath) walking –
And then a long section of boardwalk through the Mangroves.
Superb Fairy-wrens
And here we are looking out to the river –
Further along, at Remington, we heard a Channel-billed Cuckoo. We soon spotted it, and then a second one nearby.
This Blue-tongued Skink was crossing the path.
Masked Lapwing
Wood Ducks
At Rydalmere, we waited at the ferry wharf for the ferry back to Meadowbank. While we were waiting I photographed this Welcome Swallow –
And a Striated Heron was making its way up the river.
And on the ferry ride, we saw a few more birds. Here is a Pelican –
And just past Newington, we saw a juvenile White-bellied Sea Eagle –
Back at Meadowbank, we could have a good look at the old railway bridge, built under the direction of John Whitton. It is now a cycleway/pedestrian path.