I spent the morning at Barton Park – mainly at the Landing Lights Wetland. During my visit I was lucky to spot an Australian Spotted Crake and get some photos.
When I arrived, I saw two Royal Spoonbill in the wetlands. Here is one –
There were about a dozen Pied Stilts. Here are two –
I was looking in the samphire at one section of the wetland. I knew an Australian Spotted Crake had been recorded in the area, and this seemed the best place to watch. My patience was rewarded. I saw a head appearing. It was the Crake.
It moved quite fast, and photographic conditions were difficult. There was strong sunlight, but the bird was mainly in the shadows and I was shooting fairly close to the sun.
The bird was foraging, and was mostly out of sight behind reeds.
At one stage it called out, and then shot off back into the thick negation, out of sight. Then I saw it was being pursued by a second Australian Spotted Crake.
I will have to return and try and get some better photos.
Back to a Pied Stilt –
Then pandemonium broke out as a raptor flew over the wetland. I think it is a Brown Goshawk.
Some of the other birds –
Little Pied Cormorant
White-faced Heron
Greg, another bird watcher arrived and we had a look around the wetlands and mangroves for a Scarlet Robin – but had no luck. While waiting to see if the Crakes would re-appear, I noticed the resident wasps had turned up. They are an invasive species – Asian Paper Wasp (Polistes chinensis). They seemed to be mainly mating.
I then headed off down the Spring St Canal to look for more birds. Here is a Silvereye –
And a Superb Fairy-wren –
It had been a good session.