Many thanks to fellow local birder, Michael Crawley, for suggesting this trip and inviting me to join him for a day of bird photography at Cupitts Lane, in the Richmond Lowlands. We were joined by Lennis, and we had an amazing day – with interesting birds appearing all the time. The highlights were lots of raptors, with some of them taking part in aerial dogfights, and a beautiful Azure Kingfisher.
Cupitts Lane is between Richmond RAAF base and the Hawkesbury River. Some research shows that it was named after an early convict, George Cupitt. He was transported to NSW for desertion from the army. He was given a conditional pardon if he served in the NSW Corps. He was later given a land grant at Cornwallis.
Here are some of the birds we saw during our visit. The photos are in the order they were taken.
Brown Goshawk
Cattle Egret
This Nankeen Kestrel is eating its prey – a Golden-headed Cisticola –
Black-shouldered Kites
Golden-headed Cisticola
Azure Kingfisher
Golden-headed Cisticola
Nankeen Kestrel
Black-shouldered Kites
I think there was a territorial dispute taking place.
Golden-headed Cisticola
Black-shouldered Kites
Azure Kingfisher
Black-shouldered Kites
Brown Falcon
Black-shouldered Kites
Nankeen Kestrel
Nankeen Kestrel and Black-shouldered Kite
Black-shouldered Kites
Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Straw-necked Ibis and Cattle Egrets
Cattle Egret
Straw-necked Ibis
Swamp Harrier
Azure Kingfisher
Swamp Harrier
Zebra Finch
Spotted Harrier
The Spotted Harrier appeared just as we were leaving. And the photos were taken in quite low light.
This was an outstanding day for bird photography. Many thanks to Michael for inviting me along and for driving out and back. And also to Lennis, who had visited the area before and had good local knowledge. We also met quite few other birders out there including Simon and Diana.
The very high speed dogfights between the Black-shouldered Kites were amazing to witness. Here is list of raptors that we observed –
- Black-shouldered Kite
- Brown Falcon
- Nankeen Kestrel
- Brown Goshawk
- Swamp Harrier
- Spotted Harrier