Birds at Sydney Park – 16 August 2023

After I visited Barton Park, I later went to Sydney Park to see what birds were there.

I walked around the ponds, and did not see too much of interest.

In the large pond I spotted this Australasian Grebe

And the Welcome Swallows were whizzing around hating for insects.

A Little Black Cormorant was fishing.

In the lowest pond, I was pleased to see the platform back open. I spotted two Australasian Grebes.

I looked around for Tawny Frogmouths but had no luck.

I then headed back to the large pond. Here are some sequences of the Welcome Swallows as they fly in and grab an insect off the water.

I had earlier spotted a Buff-banded Rail in the hinterland of the pond. It was briefly back out in the open.

I had also spotted at least one Lewin’s Rail – but was not quick enough to get photos.

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