I joined Brian Everingham on a walk he led in Dharawal National Park and Dharawal Nature Reserve for the National Parks Association of NSW (and the Illawarra Plants Society)
In the party was Brian, Sue, Vivienne, Deb, Ian, Philip, Lawrence, Helen, Derek, Elaine, Michael, Helen and myself.
We first walked down to Maddens Falls, and then returned to the cars, and then set off along a fire road near the carpark that went into Dharawal Nature Reserve. We later returned the same way. We saw a great display of native plants along the way.
Melaleuca squamea
Maddens Falls
New Holland Honeyeater
Maddens Falls
Grevillea oleiodes
Variegated Fairy-wren
Caladenia alata
Sowerbaea juncea
Caladenia alata
Drosera peltata
Small Wax-lip Orchid – Glossodia minor
Telopea speciosissima
Telopea speciosissima
What’s happening here? Brian had spotted a rare plant. It was Darwinia grandiflora.
Darwinia grandiflora
Little Wattlebird
Grey Shrike-thrush
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos
Variegated Fairy-wren
Grass Tree
Spotted Sun Orchid – Thelymitra ixioides
Many thanks to Brian for putting on the walk, and to all who came along for sharing their expertise on the plants we saw.