I had not visited Blue Gum Reserve for a while, and I was pleasantly surprise with the abundance of fungi that I found in a small area near the main track.
But I first looked in a lower area near to the creek – well off the track. Here I found a big cluster of Gliophorus graminicolor –
And protected under an overhang I found some red waxcaps. Hygrocybe sp. –
And on a nearby bank were a lot of what I think are Hygrocybe anomala –
Some did appear to have quite lilac gills –
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrocybe anomala
I then went back up to the track. A bit further along, I found some Hygrocybe reesiae –
Cuphophyllus austropratensis
Humidicutis sp.
This looks to be the same undescribed species as the one found at Ferndale Park. Here is a lower view –
There were a lot of brown waxcaps. I think they are Hygrocybe lilaceolamellata –
But what are these ones? They were large and numerous. They seem to have some lilac in their gills – ate last for the larger ones. Hygrocybe sp. –
I think these are Hygrocybe lilaceolamellata –
And the front one here –
Hygrocybe sp.
Hygrocybe sp.
There was al o a huge cluster of Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus –
I found two Hygrocybe aurantipes –
Hygrocybe leucogloea
And later, walking down the valley, I photographed this Cortinarius rotundisporus –
And while waiting for the bus, I photographed this leaf with lots of galls –