Malabar Headland – 18 June 2024

I headed out to Malabar Headland by myself and spent the day out near Boora Point. I was looking for whales, dolphins and peregrines.

I managed to get a few brief glimpses of a single Peregrine Falcon during the afternoon. But neo whales or dolphins. During my visit, the sea was very rough – and that may have been why the whales were keeping underwater or hard to detect.

There were the usual New Holland Honeyeaters

This one is just about to grab an insect –

Australasian Gannet

The rough sea –

I was talking to Ashley, who I had met on the Headland on another occasion a few years ago, when a Peregrine Falcon flew past. I was ready with my camera.

It circled round and flew past twice, and then landed to of sight on the cliffs.

In the rubble where a Red-bellied Black Snake used to reside, was a large Blue-tongued Skink

Then the Peregrine Falcon took off and flew away.

On the walk back to Maroubra Beach. The rough seas at Magic Point –

And more New Holland Honeyeaters

And more insect hunting, this time from Welcome Swallows

It had been a pleasant day, but a bit too quiet.

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