Fungi at Ferndale Park – 23 June 2024

On this trip, I visited Ferndale Park at Chatswood in the morning, then after lunch I visited nearby Blue Gum Reserve. I am putting the photos into two posts.

Ferndale Park was quite good.

On the walk down from Chatswood Station, I spotted a stinkhorn in Henry Kendall Park. Aseroë rubra

Now in Ferndale Park.

Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus

There was still a few Gliophorus viscidibrunnea, however they were starting to look a bit old.

Hygrocybe sp.

Cuphophyllus aurantiopallens

Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus

Hygrocybe sp.

Clavulinopsis corallinorosacea

Gliophorus graminicolor

Hygrocybe anomala

Humidicutis sp.

I only found two if these green-pink waxcaps. Two photos of the one above, and a fresher one below –

Gloioxanthomyces chromolimoneus

I then had lunch and headed to Blue Gum Reserve.

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