I was attending a meeting at Audley, near the National Parks Office in the late afternoon, so, to fill in the day, I caught a train to Loftus, and walked into the Royal National Park, via the road that follows the railway line, then to the NPWS Office, then down the Honeymoon Track to Audley. I then intend to walk upstream seeing what birds were about.
Walking down the Honeymoon Track I saw a number of birds.
Grey Fantail
Eastern Yellow Robin
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Now down at Audley on the Hacking River.
Little Pied Cormorant
Pacific Black Duck
Grey Butcherbird
Walking upstream from Wattle Flat, I observed a number of birds, but they did not stay around long enough for a photo. Here is the only bird I did photograph, a Yellow-faced Honeyeater –
Back at the kiosk/cafe, enjoying a cup of coffee, I looked up and spotted a pair of circling Wedge-tailed Eagles.
A Laughing Kookaburra was looking for food to grab –
I then made my way back up the Honeymoon Track, this time stopping to photograph some of the orchids along the way.
Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis longifolia
Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis grandiflora
Greenhood Orchid – Pterostylis nutans
Pixie Cap Orchid – Acianthus fornicatus
I had a bit more time to spare, so I walked out to the Bungoona Lookout and back. A pleasant stroll.
Superb Fairy-wren
Epacris longiflora
Back at the kiosk, having coffee, I