Audley Walk – 27 Jun 2024

I was attending a meeting at Audley, near the National Parks Office in the late afternoon, so, to fill in the day, I caught a train to Loftus, and walked into the Royal National Park, via the road that follows the railway line, then to the NPWS Office, then down the Honeymoon Track to Audley. I then intend to walk upstream seeing what birds were about.

Walking down the Honeymoon Track I saw a number of birds.

Grey Fantail

Eastern Yellow Robin

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike

Now down at Audley on the Hacking River.

Little Pied Cormorant

Pacific Black Duck

Grey Butcherbird

Walking upstream from Wattle Flat, I observed a number of birds, but they did not stay around long enough for a photo. Here is the only bird I did photograph, a Yellow-faced Honeyeater

Back at the kiosk/cafe, enjoying a cup of coffee, I looked up and spotted a pair of circling Wedge-tailed Eagles. 

A Laughing Kookaburra was looking for food to grab –

I then made my way back up the Honeymoon Track, this time stopping to photograph some of the orchids along the way.

Greenhood OrchidPterostylis longifolia

Greenhood OrchidPterostylis grandiflora

Greenhood OrchidPterostylis nutans

Pixie Cap OrchidAcianthus fornicatus

I had a bit more time to spare, so I walked out to the Bungoona Lookout and back. A pleasant stroll.

Superb Fairy-wren


Epacris longiflora

Back at the kiosk, having coffee, I

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