Wolli Ck Fungi Update – 26 June 2024

This was another quick visit to Wolli Creek Regional Park to check if any new fungi was present.

I first went upstream to near Paperpark Creek to a spot where I have previously seen waxcaps. I had been hoping that with all the good rain we have been having recently that they may be appearing again. But no sign of the ones I had been waiting for.

So I went downstream to the climbing crag.

This is the same coral fungus I have photographed at least twice before –

And another nearby.

But I was pleased to find a new waxcap, One of the rare Humidicutis viridimagentea. This one is starting to show its magenta colour on the cap.

I looked carefully around but could spot no more. And no more fresh Gliophorus graminicolor.

But I did spot this fungus –

I was not sure whether it was a waxcap until I got home and looked at the photo carefully. It may be Hygrocybe iropus.

Trichoglossum hirstutum

There  were some more fish waxcaps, Cuphophyllus austropratensis, but most of them were unaccessible under the privet. This is the best I could do –

Waling back I stopped to photograph a large patch of Greenhood Orchids.

Pterostylis nutans

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