Aboriginal Art Walk – 28 June 2024

Bob and myself decided to head up to the Blue Mountains and walk out along a ridge to looks for some Aboriginal sites. It was to an area we had visited before – but not to the particular ridge we had in mind.

After leaving Bob’s car, we walked out a short way along a fire road, and then climbed up onto a high point. Here, we inspected a small rock platform that features a few sharpening grooves.

We then crossed a nearby creek, to visit another site with sharpening grooves –

A but further along, on the side of the ridge, we visited an occupation cave.

This has a small panel with some charcoal art –

It is hard to interpret the art.

We followed the cliffline for a while looking for other sites, without finding any.

We then climbed up onto the top of the ridge again, and inspected a number of open rock platforms. The rock looked quite good for engravings but we could not find any.

Rock engraving can be very faint and difficult too discern.

We then look for another art cave. We had good views on the cliff above the cave.

The cave had some more charcoal art – but it was certainly not very clear.

We thought we could see the outline of some fingers in the top half of the photo below.

And perhaps something here –

We then climbed back up to the good views and found a nice place to stop for lunch.

Later, back near the main fire road, we visited another engraving site, that we had visited several times before. With the low winter sun – the engravings were a lot easier to make out.

This is a kangaroo –

Another engraving –

And some Emu footprints –

Another interesting walk.


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