Tag Archives: Sassafras Gully

More Fungi Photography – 19-28 June 2015

In recent days the abundance of fungi near Sydney has been amazing. I’m not sure whether it is due to suitable weather for fungi fruiting (cool and wet) or due to better observing and increased knowledge of what and where to … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains, Bushwalking, Royal National Park, Sydney, Wildflowers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

More Fungi from Sassafras Gully – 11 June 2015

After a recent trip down Sassafras Gully, I was keen to return to see how the fungi was going. I had found some strange fungi on the last trip and I was interested to see if any more was out. … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains, Bushwalking | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

More Colourful Fungi at Sassafras Gully – 3 June 2015

I returned to visit Sassafras Gully at Springwood again. Despite fairly dry weather a lot of fungi was out – and it was very nice fungi too. Very colourful. Some of the fungi that I spotted are perhaps new species … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains, Bushwalking, Slime Moulds | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Sassafras Gully – Orchids, Fungi and Slime Moulds – 21 May 2015

Sassafras Gully has been one of the places I have been visiting this year on a regular basis to document its fungal resources. This vista I was accompanied by Atli, a nature photographer from Iceland. He also takes very fine … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains, Bushwalking, Slime Moulds, Wildflowers | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

More Fungi From Sassafras Gully – 15 May 2015

On my previous trip, a few days before, I and found lot of interesting fungi at Sassafras Gully and after a fairly poor trip to Bola Creek, I thought it may be worth heading back up the mountains for a … Continue reading

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Colourful Fungi at Sassafras Gully – 12 May 2015

It had been about six weeks since I had visited Sassafras Gully at Springwood. It was time for a return visit. This year, Sassafras Gully has been a place I have regularly visited to check out the fungi growing there … Continue reading

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Sassafras Gully Walk – 1 April 2015

I completed another walk to see how the fungi and slime moulds of Sassafras Gully were going. This time I started down Magdala Creek and returned via the track that goes to Sassafras Gully Road. Magdala Creek was very pleasant … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains, Bushwalking, Slime Moulds | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Sassafras Gully Walk – Springwood – More Fungi and Slime Moulds – 22 March 2015

After enjoying what Bola Creek and to offer, I decided that a wet Sunday would be a good opportunity to check out Sassafras Gully again to see the fungi there. So – the train to Springwood and the short walk … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains, Bushwalking, Slime Moulds | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Colourful Fungi and Slime Moulds of Sassafras Gully – Springwood – 5 & 7 March 2015

I visited Sassafras Gully at Springwood on two trips recently. The first trip was with Digi Dave and Don. We started down the track at Sassafras Gully Road and soon found ourselves in the rianforest at the bottom and amidst … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Bushwalking, Slime Moulds | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Sassafras Gully in Springwood – 4 September 2014

I had another afternoon in Springwood, and chose to walk around the Sassafras Gully loop. It had been raining and I was hoping the creeks would be up. They were, but not by too much, but things were still very … Continue reading

Posted in Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains, Bushwalking, Wilderness Photography, Wildflowers | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment