Bushwalking at Mt York – 12 September 2024

Bob suggested a walk at Mt York to see the historic tracks that go along the route of the old roads. I had never walked these, but had been along them many times on mountain bike, but on a bike you travel fast ands miss out on a lot that you can see.

One this walk  we first visited the top section of Berghofers Pass. Then down the old Coxs Road to the Hartley Vale, and back up along Lockyers Road.  Here are some photos –

Fan-tailed Cuckoo

Heritage Horse Trough on Berghofers Pass

Old Dry Stone Walling on Berghofers Pass

Berghofers Pass

Hardenbergia violacea

View from Berghofers Pass

Coxs Road

Bob later came across this old sketch online by E. Purcell, published circa 1821 It shows
“Part of Cox’s Road” It is the same place that I photographed above, but was drawn from below,  and Purcell has rather idealized it (making the cliffs etc bigger) –

Old inscription –

Convict pick marks –

Coxs Road

“TH” inscription –

“WRP” inscription –

Bob suggested this could be “WRB” for Western Road Bathurst.

Lower down –

Mt York – climbing areas

Caladenia fuscata – orchid

Hardenbergia violacea

We are now climbing up Lockyers Road.

White-throated Treecreeper

Lockyers Road

Native Iris

Streaked Rock Orchid – Dendrobium striolatum – 

Lockyers Road

Caladenia fuscata – orchid

Rock Warbler

Gompholobium huegelii

Caladenia fuscata – orchid

Walking back to Mt York from the top of Lockyers Road, we passed two historic wells

View from Bardens Lookout

Crimson Rosella

Mt York – home of many monuments.

This historic monument was built by the noted cryptozoologist, the late Rex Gilroy and his brother –

On the way down the mountains we stopped off at Woodford to look at this Historic Horse Trough

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2 Responses to Bushwalking at Mt York – 12 September 2024

  1. Glenda says:

    Hi, I really enjoy your blog but I haven’t been able to see the images for a while….has anyone else reported this? Could be me and something I’ve done of course! 🙂

    • Dave Noble says:

      Yes – this is a problem that many have had recently. You could try changing y our browser (the problem mainly seems to be with Chrome), or change the browser settings. You can change a settings that will force the photos to load for the website – if you go to preferences.

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