Raptors at Long Reef – 25 August 2024

I decided to visit Long Reef again, hoping for more photographic opportunities with the local Ospreys.

I had a reasonable day, although it was bit quieter than other recent visits. This time the tide was high, so I could not walk out onto the rock platform. But high tide is often the best time for the Ospreys to hunt.

When I arrived, one Osprey was perched below the lookout –

I went down to the bottom, and tried to see it. But the tide was too high to get a good view.

Chang Ma, another bird photographer was there, and he pointed out another Osprey. This one was eating a fish out on the island –

The the perched Osprey flew off, and out to sea.

Some passing birds –

White-faced Heron

Great Cormorant

Pied Cormorant

Then, out near the island, a White-bellied Sea Eagle appeared with a fish –

It landed on the island and caused pandemonium to the other birds.

Many of the other birds left the island.

Great Cormorant

Little Black Cormorant

The Sea Eagle was still on the island –

The Crested Terns all flew to the nearby sand –

And the Sea Eagle munched away –

The the Sea Eagle flew past with the remain of the fish –

One Crested Tern appears to have a piece of seafood extender that another wanted –

A Nankeen Kestrel was hunting for a brief time near the lookout –

And another Sea Eagle had landed on the island –

Perhaps it had stolen a fish of an Osprey, as an Osprey was harassing it –

The Sea Eagle moved ashore distance –

The Osprey then deiced to catch another fish –

Not successful.

It went back to the Sea Eagle –

It then flew away.

And a last shot of the Sea Eagle

I had seen some good action – but unfortunately none of it was very close.

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