An Orchid Bonanza! – A Walk to Kangaroo Creek – 26 August 2024

Brain Everingham was back from his travels, and had organised a walk, with the NPA, from Engadine to Kangaroo Creek and back. On the walk, we experience a grea display of wild flowers and also 8 species of orchid.

The party was Brian, Sue, Valerie, Elaine, Derek, Helen, Ann and myself.

Our first orchid, was close to Engadine Station –

Caladenia catenata

Here is a nice Drosera sp

Another orchid – but not in good condition – Large Wax-lip OrchidGlossodia major.

Lasiopetalum rufum

Lasiopetalum ferrugineum

Caladenia catenata

Then Elaine spotted these beauties  –

Brown Beak Orchid – Lyperanthus suaveolens


Grevillea sp.

Native Iris

Then more orchids –

Small Wax-lip Orchid – Glossodia minor

Leopard Orchid – Diuris maculata

Small Wax-lip Orchid – Glossodia minor

Spotted Sun Orchid – Theymitra ixioides

Perhaps a Caladenia catenata hybrid –

Caladenia alata

Ricinocarpos pinifolius

Now – down near the creek.

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos

Water Dragon

Brown Thornbill

Grevillea sp.

Kangaroo Creek

We found a nice shady rock ledge to have lunch on, then headed out the same way.

Gymea Lily

Then Elaine spotted these beauties –

Mayfly Orchid – Acianthus caudatus

And nearby – more Brown Beak Orchids – Lyperanthus suaveolens

Mayfly Orchid – Acianthus caudatus

Spotted Sun Orchid – Theymitra ixioides

Spotted Sun Orchid – Theymitra ixioides


Thanks once again to Brian for leading another excellent walk.

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