More Raptors at Long Reef – 31 August 2024

I decided that another visit to Long Reef would be worthwhile. Lately it has been the best place to photograph raptors. But when I arrived, around 11 am, things turned out to be very quiet.

No other bird photographers were there. I walked down to the bottom level, and spotted one Osprey on the southern side of the headland. It was eating a fish, a big fish, so I knew it would be there for a fair while.

The tide was low, so I walked out onto the rock platform to see what migratory birds were around. I did see some – but they were hard to get close to – amongst the rocks, and it would be wet getting there.

I then saw a large number of birds take to the air.

I looked up and all around, but could not spot any raptors.

Pied Cormorant

Crested Tern

White-faced Heron

I did see one Osprey fly past, then out to sea.

Great Cormorant

I sat down and had my lunch and waited. Eventually, I spotted an Osprey. It was diving for a fish –

But it pulled up.

And flew towards Dee Why Lagoon.

White-faced Heron

Then a White-bellied Sea Eagle appeared.

An Osprey suddenly appeared and began harassing the Sea Eagle

The Sea Eagle flew off, and the Osprey remained.

Exit the Osprey. The Sea Eagle returned.

Meanwhile – some other bird photographers had arrived – Jeremy, Cecile, Jimmy and Connor. More eyes to watch for birds.

It flew away, and then two Ospreys appeared.

One dived, but soon pulled out.

Another dive –

And another pull out.

The next dive did make the water.

But no fish.

This dive was better –

It had caught a rather large fish.

The fish was so large, that the Osprey got  tired carrying it to shore, and it flew lower and lower, and almost hit the water.

It landed on the beach not far away. The Osprey was tired from its efforts!

The Osprey then took to the air again.

The next raptor to appear was a Sea Eagle.

It flew around for a bit before flying out to sea.

A fisherman out on the island was doing well –

And another Osprey starts hunting –

This dive was unsuccessful, but another was better. It flew back with a cod.

It flew around the southern side to land and eat its fish.

But, not long after, we spotted a Sea Eagle flying back from the southern side, with a fish. The fish looked like their cod the Osprey had caught earlier.

The Sea Eagle flew out to the island, but did not land. It was being harassed by some Silver Gulls. 

It flew off with its fish.

Then an Osprey appeared and started hunting –

Was it the Osprey whose fish may have been stolen? Perhaps.

We all watched it for a while, but the light twas fading. It was time to head home.

It was good to catch up with the other bird photographers. And special thanks to Jeremy and Jimmy for a lift to Chatswood Station.

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One Response to More Raptors at Long Reef – 31 August 2024

  1. Neil says:

    Great images! Of course now I am fixated on identifying the first large fish, with the stripes. I think perhaps a luderick?

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