This looks like being my last trip to Sassafras Gully to look for fungi for the season. I found very little out on this trip. There had been two small falls of rain a week or two before my visit, but the gully appeared very dry.
I did however find one species that I had been searching for since I spotted one of them last season. It is an interesting pink waxcap. It appears very much like Porpolomopsis lewelliniae – with a waxy appearance and a splitting cap, however that one is lilac. There is also Porpolomopsis mavis, but that is white. On this visit, I found two of the pink waxcap species growing in exactly the same spot I had found one growing last year. Both of the ones I found this visit were in very poor condition – quite old and broken caps. Last year, I had tried to work out what this could be. A new species perhaps? Or perhaps Humidicutis rosella – which appears on a New Zealand Fungi site. It is pink, but after corresponding with a NZ Fungi enthusiast I don’t think that id is likely. Now, after seeing more specimens, I was wondering if it could be Porpolomopsis calyptriformis?
I did observe some more waxcaps, here is one –
And some more photos –
More photos are online here on my website.