Once again I travelled up to Long Reef on the Northern Beaches, mainly to photograph raptors. When I arrived, another bird photographer, Chang La was there and we chatted while waiting for the Ospreys to arrive.
But this time, The Ospreys kept us waiting.
Here are some of the birds there –
White-faced Heron
We saw a distant Osprey hunting for fish –
Caspian Terns
It was not until close to 1 pm that an Osprey arrived and landed on the rock platform.
Some more birds out on the platform –
Sooty Oystercatcher
Red-necked Stints
Pacific Golden Plover
Pacific Golden Plover and Red-necked Stints
Pied Cormorant
Ruddy Turnstones
Mainly Red-necked Stints –
Red-necked Stint (leucistic) – it was by itself. Who would want to be near it? It stood out on the rock platform.
Red-necked Stint
Osprey #1 with fish
Osprey #2 with fish
The Osprey had landed on a poor stance, so it soon mover to a better rock.
Osprey #3 with fish
Nankeen Kestrel