Since my last visit to the Zoo, I had heard of a new baby Gorilla. Time to go along and see if it was on display to the public.
I started my visit with a walk through the Blue Mountains section – and again I found that one of the Platypus’s there was quite active, and as long as you were patient, then a bit of waiting would be rewarded when it surfaced in the pool. So – not too hard to see, but still hard to photograph. It only surfaces for a short while – and then splashes around a bit, and the pool is quite dark and gloomy, so not the best for photography.
I then headed to the Gorilla enclosure. I was fortunate – the mother was out with her baby. Often the mother has the baby shielded from view by the public, but again patience wins out. As long as you are prepared to wait you can often get a reasonable photo of the baby with its mother. I think the baby is only about 3 weeks old.
This visit to the Zoo – I went to both of the bird shows (noon and 3 pm). Its a good place to practice taking birds in flight photos. And like my last visit – there were overhead skirmishes between some of the raptors and the local magpies and currawongs.
The baby Francois Langur (Leaf Monkey) is now quite large and almost lost its orange baby colour. But it is certainly a lot more active by itself now – swinging and leaping around the branches.
This visit, the Saltwater Crocodile was out of the water and in its shelter. So, much closer and easier to photograph even if it is not in a very interesting place –
The baby elephant was also quite active. Perhaps too active! It was a hot day, and it seemed to want to plunge into a pool of deep water. However, the adult elephants had to use their trucks to restrain it. Interesting to watch –
And a few more photos –
More photos are online here on my website.